New Leaders Training Course

Rapid Leadership Development

  • Build Your Career

  • Lead Ethically

  • Maximise Team Performance

  • Personalised Guidance

  • 4 Hour Live Online Course

Here’s how we’re different

Live Sessions

Join engaging live sessions where our expert instructors provide real-time insights tailored to your needs. Interact, ask questions, and get personalised guidance on your leadership journey.

Unique Core Philosophy

Centred around being the best version of 'you', we emphasise an ethical approach, promoting decency, treating people with dignity and respect. Experience leadership training that goes beyond skills, focusing on personal growth and creating a positive impact.

Flexible Delivery

We understand your busy schedule. Our course is designed for flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace without compromising the quality of your learning experience.

The Leadership Strategies, Skills, and Personalised Support
You Need for Rapid Career Growth.

Leadership Mastery: Elevate your career with elite leadership strategies. Join a community of high achievers and unlock the path to extraordinary success. Here's how it works...

Live Online Delivery

Connect with us virtually for live sessions, offering real-time insights and engaging discussions. Enjoy the flexibility of attending from anywhere. We will arrange with you timeslots to fit your busy schedule. Our expert instructors will unveil proven strategies, providing you with transformative insights that can elevate your leadership results!

Warm and Casual Learning Atmosphere

Experience a friendly and informal approach to leadership development. Our courses foster a comfortable environment where you can engage openly, ask questions, and connect with instructors and fellow learners in a relaxed setting. We believe in making leadership development an enjoyable journey that encourages collaboration and open dialogue, ensuring an enriching and accessible learning experience for all.

Course Overview

Our focused four-hour online course is designed to introduce you to key aspects crucial for your new role:

  • Personal Development:

    • Understand core responsibilities and delegate effectively

    • Embrace the art of strategic vulnerability

    • Cultivate confidence without arrogance, recognising the need for continuous learning

    • Identify and develop essential leadership skills

    • Prioritise mental health awareness for yourself and your team

  • Transition from Management to Leadership:

    • Explore leadership styles and avoid micromanagement

    • Build trust and bring out the best in your team

    • Master the balance between teaching and coaching

    • Develop strategies for handling challenging individuals

    • Embrace the responsibility of shaping the culture within your department through your decisions and actions

People Skills for New Leaders

Becoming a new leader is a journey filled with challenges and rewards. We are here to guide you through this transformative experience and empower you to become the best version of yourself.

Our Core Philosophy: Becoming the Best 'You'

Embarking on a leadership journey is not just about mastering a set of skills; it's a profound exploration of self-discovery and continuous improvement. Our philosophy centres around guiding you to become the best version of yourself, emphasising an ethical approach that sets the foundation for effective and inspiring leadership.

Decency and Doing What's Right

In leadership, being good isn't always about being nice; it's about doing what's right. Our philosophy encourages ethical decision-making, emphasising decency, treating people with dignity and respect, and ensuring that your actions contribute positively to your team and organisation.

Embracing Diversity and Differences

We believe in the inherent value of diversity. It's about creating an environment where people can be themselves, recognising the importance of different perspectives. In your leadership role, we encourage you to find ways to work collaboratively, even when personalities may naturally clash. Diversity is not just accepted; it's celebrated for the richness it brings to the team.

Empowerment and Personal Responsibility

You are a work in progress, and your development is a choice, not an imposition. Our philosophy empowers you to take charge of your growth. It's about living in your head, understanding your emotions, and making intentional choices. By actively participating in your self-discovery, you avoid drifting and ensure that you remain relevant and purposeful throughout your leadership journey.

Fulfilment and Choosing Your Path

Leadership is about finding the best fit for yourself and your team. Our philosophy encourages self-analysis, understanding your skills, and avoiding the trap of replication. We guide you to seek fulfilment by satisfying the most critical needs while making choices that align with your values and aspirations.

Continuous Evolution and Meaningful Change

Stagnation is the enemy of progress. Our philosophy advocates for being open to opportunities, embracing evolution as a natural part of growth. We promote meaningful and purposeful change that enables evolution without change for change's sake. Your leadership journey is a continuous process of development, and we guide you to make choices that lead to meaningful and purposeful change.

It's About People and Interaction

In essence, being the best 'you' is not just a goal; it's a commitment to decency, diversity, continuous evolution, empowerment, and fulfilment. Our philosophy serves as a guiding light on your leadership journey, helping you navigate the complexities of leadership with integrity and purpose.

Leadership is not about knowing everything; it's about bringing out the best in those around you.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and effective leadership.

Meet your instructor

Steve Cottee

With a background in education, Steve's passion is helping people.

"I've always been interested in people, how they work and how they interact. While businesses rely on set processes, it's important to realise that it's people who run these.

Being a head teacher had its rewards, but I found my influence was much more narrow in scope. I want to be able to help more organisations to reach their potential and to really thrive."

Steve is now returning to his core passion by offering training and organisational culture services to help individuals and organisation to affect positive change.

Course Schedule

Four One-Hour Online Sessions

We have flexibility for delivery. Get in touch with us and we will arrange for you to join a session that fits with your busy schedule.

Sessions are live, not pre-recorded. This allows you to interact with the tutor and other attendees. Our maximum group size is ten.

Course Cost

As a limited time offer, the cost is currently £65 for the full four hours.

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